API Reference
These docs are for v2.3. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

Adds a direct debit record to the given account

Sample Request:
POST /api/v2.0/accounts/ALB03-RA/directdebits
  "debitReference": "ALB03012",
  "name": "MR A SMITH",
  "accountNumber": 12121212,
  "sortCode": 121212,
  "isStandardDirectDebit": true,
  "type": 0, *See below for meanings
  "cycle": 1, (Only required if iStandardDirectDebit is true) *See below for meanings
  "amount": 4000.00,
  "nextDebitDate": "2023-07-28" (Payment date for this debit)

Direct Debit Types

0 = Cancelled
1 = New Instruction
2 = First Collection
3 = Regular Collection
4 = Represented Collection
5 = Final Collection

Direct Debit Cycles

null - This state is only for non planned direct debits
0 = Weekly
1 = Bi Weekly
2 = Four Weekly
3 = Monthly
4 = Quarterly
5 = Annually

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!