API Reference
These docs are for v2.3. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

Creates new Scheme engagement with given information based on payload

Sample Request:

POST /api/v2/supportschemes/SP1000000006/engagements

Example Payload:
    "startDate": "01/02/2025",
    "status": "Active",
    "owner": "Jack Brown",
    "uorn": "ALB17-5",
    "referredPersonReference": "P0000000175"        

This endpoint requires all data to be in the body of the request 

"startDate"                   Start date must be set.  
"status"                      Status must be set.
"owner"                       [Optional] Owner can be null or a scheme member
"uorn"                        [Optional - Conditional] If UORN set, address must be null
"referredPersonReference"     Referred Person reference must be set.
"address"                     [Conditional] If UORN is not given and If Referred person does not have any address
                              Than address section must be set. If referred person has an address and you filled 
                              address section It will be overrided.
"addressLineOne"              [Conditional] If address is required addressLineOne must be set.              
"addressLineTwo"              [Optional - Conditional] If address is required addressLineTwo is optional.              
"addressLineThree"            [Optional - Conditional] If address is required addressLineThree is optional.              
"addressLineFour"             [Optional - Conditional] If address is required addressLineFour is optional.              
"addressLineFive"             [Optional - Conditional] If address is required addressLineFive is optional.             
"postcode"                    [Conditional] If address is required postCode must be set.

Required Permission(s): SupportPlans.EditSupportSchemes

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!