API Reference
These docs are for v2.3. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

Creates new goal for scheme engagement with given information based on payload

Sample Request:

POST /api/v2/supportschemes/SP0000000004/engagements/SE1000000010/goals

Example Payload:
    "description": "Api test description",
    "goalType": "Contributing to Society",
    "initialScore": 4,
    "targetScore": 5,
    "goalNote": "Test note"   

This endpoint requires all data to be in the body of the request 

"description"         Description must be set and max allowed character limit 250.  
"goalType"            Goal type must be set and it needs exact type description match.
"initialScore"        Initial Score must be set and less than targetScore, equal or greater than 0. 
"targetScore"         Target Score must be set and in between 0 and scheme max goal score.
"goalNote"            Note must be set and max allowed character limit 2000.

Required Permission(s): SupportPlans.EditSupportSchemes

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!