API Reference
These docs are for v2.3. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

Add communication to CRM

Sample Request:
POST /api/v2.0/crms/communications
    This endpoint requires all data to be a JSON in the body of the request
    and Content-type header to be set to "application/json".
    Below are the corresponding values for each Communication Type
        0 - Incoming
        1 - Outgoing
    body JSON:
      "personReference": "P0000000110",
      "summary": "Joe would like to speak to a manager about his options on appeal",
      "description": "He recently spoke to Fred asking for help with adaptations and was declined under the policy.",
      "communicationSource": "Call",
      "communicationReason": "Initial service request",
      "communicationType": "1",
      "isPrivate": false
    Sample Response:
        "id": "eb7f1dbe-9d49-4ce0-ab85-fe2ae511590f",
        "person": "Joe Smith",
        "summary": "Joe would like to speak to a manager about his options on appeal",
        "description": "He recently spoke to Fred asking for help with adaptations and was declined under the policy.",
        "communicationReference": "C00093",
        "communicationSource": "Call",
        "communicationReason": "Initial service request",
        "communicationType": "1",
        "loggerId": "eb7f1dbe-9d49-4ce0-ab85-fe2ae511590f",
        "isPrivate": false
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!