post https://{tenant}
Sample Request:
POST /api/v2.0/crms/servicerequests
This endpoint requires all data to be a JSON in the body of the request
and Content-type header to be set to "application/json".
body JSON:
"communicationReference": "C00093",
"summary": "Has a dripping tap",
"uprn": "ALB01",
"status": "Logged",
"priority": "Low",
"category": "Initial service request",
"subCategory": "Log New Repair Request",
"description": "Hot water tap in the kitchen"
Sample Response:
"serviceRequestId": "b45c5eb0-9c71-4bc7-9dc5-08dbb448836a",
"reference": "C00093-001",
"requestCategory": "Compliments",
"requestSubCategory": null,
"summary": "Has a dripping tap",
"description": "Hot water tap in the kitchen",
"requestPriority": "Low",
"requestStatus": "Logged",
"logger": "Unknown User",
"requestDate": "13/09/2023 11:59",
"targetDate": "03/10/2023 11:58",
"uprn": "ALB01"