API Reference
These docs are for v2.3. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

Add Asbestos to property

Sample Request:
POST /api/v2.0/properties/ALB01/asbestos
    This endpoint requires all data to be a JSON in the body of the request
    and Content-type header to be set to "application/json".
    Below are the corresponding values for each Asbestos Status
        1 - Confirmed
        2 - Suspected
        3 - Removed 
        4 - Deleted
        5 - Cloned
    body JSON:
      "Location": "Bathroom",
      "ProductType": "Boards",
      "Condition": "Exposed",
      "SurfaceType": "Bath Panel",
      "AsbestosType": "Anthophyllite",
      "ActionPlan": "Removal",
      "Comments": "Test Asbestos added through api for Show and Tell",
      "Description": "A description about the asbestos itself",
      "LocationDescription": "A description of the specific location it is in",
      "SurveyType": "Asbestos Survey 1",
      "SampleDate": "23/05/2023",
      "FloorLevel": "3",
      "Status": "1"
Sample Response:
   "isSuccess": true,
   "message": "Created Asbestos record on property 'ALB01'",
   "createdAsbestos": {
       "Id": "4d1b81f0-31ed-435a-914e-9478e5376809",
       "sampleDate": "15/05/2023 00:00",
       "location": "Bathroom",
       "productType": "Boards",
       "condition": "Exposed",
       "surfaceType": "Bath Panel",
       "asbestosType": "Anthophyllite",
       "actionPlan": "Removal",
       "comments": "Test Asbestos added through api",
       "description": "A description about the asbestos itself",
       "locationDescription": "A description of the specific location it is in",
       "surveyType": "Asbestos Survey 1",
       "floorLevel": "3",
       "status": "Confirmed"

Required Permission(s): Property.View

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!